特殊車輛 2
A patrol motor car at Er-Shuei Depot. | |
An Austrian-made road maintenance vehicle at Feng-Shan Station. Photo by Mr. Suika. | |
停放於花蓮機務段內的1963年日立製大吊車。已報廢出售。 A 1963 Hitachi crane at Hua-Lien. 0802 | |
The 65T steam-power crane of TRA. | |
A Plasser road maintenance vehicle at depot of Er-Shue. 0802 | |
Wiring vehicle at Taichung Station. 0902 | |
十分站內吊車與載運怪手的平車。 A crane with a flat car for excavator transporting. 1102 | |
Two trolleys as bogies for a ballast carrier. 1102 | |
北迴線上東改局所屬中國大陸製架線測試工程車。 A Chinese made power line testing vehicles on North-link Line. 0503
| |
A French GEISMAR made lining vehicle on North-link Line. 0503 | |
A Cement pack carrier for tunnel construction on North-link Line. 0503 | |
北迴線新建隧道用之預拌混凝土拼裝搬運車。奇怪!他還扶著方向盤作什麼!? A concrete carrier for tunnel construction on North-link Line. 0503 | |
The SCHÖMA switcher of Asian Cement Co., model type CFL350DCL3, serial number 4948, built 12/1987. Jiou-Tzan-Tou Station. 0303 | |
A herbicide sprayer of Alishan Forestry Railways. 0403 | |
A PHM (Pacific Heavy Machine) built switcher of a feed factory was hauling grain wagons. 0903 | |
永樂站內調動石灰原石的溪洲牌(Brookville)臺泥公司專用機車。 The Brookville DL of Taiwan Cement Co. was moving a lime rock train at Yong-Leh Station. Su-Ao, Yi-Lan County. | |
上述同型調動機車停放於車庫內。 | |
停放於永樂站側線上的臺泥公司比利時製Cockerill製B-060-3型機車。 Another switcher of TCC. It is a Belgium made in late of 1970's Cockerill Type B-060-3 three axles, side rods driven diesel-hydraulic locomotive. | |
上述同型3號調動機車停放於車庫內。 This Taiwan Cement Co #3 locomotive is a Cockerill Model Type B-060-3 built in Belgium in the late 1970's - the builder's number is not known. It is a diesel hydraulic loco with three axles connected by side rods. Provided by Philip G Graham. Many thanks. | |
北埔站內北晟重機製之調動機。 PHM switcher at Pei-Pu Station. Hua-Lien County. | |
幸福水泥廠之北晟重機製調動機,和仁。 A PHM switcher of Lucky Cement Co., Her-Ren. Hua-Lien County. | |
A PHM switcher of Lucky Cement Co., Tung-Ao. Yi-Lan County. | |
臺泥新潟鐵工所製調車機,和平。 A Niigata switcher of Taiwan Cement Co., He-Ping. Hua-Lien County. | |
A Brookville switcher of Taiwan Cement Co., Her-Ping. | |
A Hitachi switcher of Taiwan Cement Co., Her-Ping. | |
深澳火力發電廠內之調動機之一,編號314V,英國Thomas Hill 1985年製,採用Caterpillar引擎。已停用。
British Thomas Hill with Caterpillar engines, coal freight switcher 314V of Shen-Ao Power plant, Taipei County. 0304 | |
深澳火力發電廠內之調動機之二,編號315V,英國Thomas Hill 1985年製,採用Caterpillar引擎。現役。
British Thomas Hill with Caterpillar engines, coal freight switcher 315V of Shen-Ao Power plant, Taipei County. 0304 | |
深澳火力發電廠內之調動機之三,編號13,美國Plymouth 1974年製,係由中油轉來。已停用。
The Plymouth (USA) Model Type CR-8 with serial number 6968 and date built 05/1974 which is transferred from Chinese Petroleum Co., Shen-Ao Power plant, Taipei County. Provided by Mr. Philip G Graham. Many thanks. 0304 | |
深澳火力發電廠內之已停用調動機車庫。 The depot of Shen-Ao Power plant, Keelung. 0304 | |
信大水泥公司協三工業1973年製D10tB調車機。 A Kyosan Kogyo switcher of Hsin-Ta Cement Co. | |
This is a Plymouth (USA) Model Type CR-8 but the serial number and date built unknown. Hsin-Ta Cement Co. Provided by Mr. Philip G Graham. Many thanks. | |
As above. | |
信大水泥公司調車機。 Switcher of Hsin-Ta Cement Co. | |
This is a (USA) Model Type DMD-24 but the serial number could be one of seven between 6510-6516 with date built 6/1966. These seven DMD-24 were built for Taiwan Power Co. for use in a tunneling construction project near Tachien/Toucheng. It was purchased second-hand by Hsin-Ta Cement. Provided by Mr. Philip G Graham. Many thanks. | |
This is a DIEMA Model Type DVL150/1.2 with serial number 3810 and date built 04/1976. Taiwan Fertilizer Co. Ltd., Miao-Li Factory. Provided by Mr. Philip G Graham. Many thanks. 0105 | |
DIEMA switcher of Taiwan Fertilizer Co. Ltd., Miao-Li Factory. 0105 | |
Hitachi switcher of Taiwan Fertilizer Co. Ltd., Miao-Li Factory. 0105
| |
嘉義工務段所屬鋼軌銷正車。 Rail grinder. | |
礙子清洗車。臺南站。 Isolator sprayer. | |
The other side of the isolator sprayer. | |
Railway maintenance vehicle powered by a Ford Festiva. 0507 |
The freight car mover made by ANT industrial Co., Japan.
0608 | |
As above, the other side of the car mover.
0608 | |
A Plymouth switcher belonged to Rebar Cement Co., Ltd. has been sold to a recycle centre as a monument at Yi-Lan County. The switcher #1. This is a Plymouth Model Type WDT with serial number 7042 and date built 07/1975. Provided by Mr. Philip G Graham. Many thanks. 0608 | |
The other side of the switcher #1. 0608 | |
另一輛較小型之德製DIEMA DVL150/1.2型1974年製調車機亦在當門神。
A smaller German DIEMA switcher has also been sold to same place and beside the switcher #1. This is a Diema Model Type DVL150/1.2 with serial number 3514 and date built 12/1974. Provided by Mr. Philip G Graham. Many thanks. 0608 | |
The name plate of the switcher above. 0608 | |
A former TFC (Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd.) 45 ton switcher Model KA19-C has been displayed at Ju-Lin Park of Chiao-Tou Township, Kaoshiong County. Many thanks to Jude for this photo. 1010 |
Industrial Diesel and Electric Locomotives
Compiled by Philip G Graham 2011Standard Model Aviations
dm. .. diesel mechanical (directgearing [gearbox] with clutch);
also p… petrol [US= Gas(oline)]
dh. . . diesel hydraulic (fluid torque convertor or hs hydrostatic pump)
de . . . diesel electric (generator and traction motor)
e . . . . electric (external power: w OHW with pantograph or r third-rail shoe)
be . . . battery electric (self-contained power: usually storage battery)
Car body Prefixes
S....Shunter[US=Switcher]-smaller dedicated yard units (singlecab, narrow hood[s] with side walkways)
RS . . . RoadService -larger dualpurpose lineunits (single cab eitherat end or off-centre, narrow enginehood[s]withside walkways)
CC . .. Centre Cab line or yard units (with the single cab centred between [engine] hoods of near equal length)
C . . . . Cab line unit (full-width enclosed body, single cab at one end)DC . . . Double Cab line unit (same as Cab unit but with cabs both ends)
LP/LPU Low Profile - smaller dedicated units or Underground (mining/ tunnelling clearances possibly Flameproof)
r/n bracketed (00xx) — deleted from current roster.
(E)....Supplier/designer main electrical equipment
qty....90/0=original qty/current qty
r/n....road number (running no) no#....no number
re#.... renumbered
: 2....2nd use#, (used after r/n group)
c....circa(about around) eg.date x.....from er owner
nee....owner/identity before last or original
b/p....builder's data plate
b/n....builder's serial number
L....(with date) Late
Q....(with 1, 2, 3, 4 & date) year quarter
s/f/s....sold for scrap
2nd ....secondhand and cnb....cannibalized
rb ....rebuilt
fr....freight mu....multiple unit
d/b....dynamic brakes
x-d/b.....extended range
s/g....steam generator
H EP....Headed Power
o/n....order number (group)
!....99-100% correct
!!....(both plates visually checked)
?....50% or less chance of being correct--a guess
—....dash means inclusive as in 24-27 (a comma will separate adjacent numbers or non configures numbers)
~.....not solid run, skips
(D)....(after name)Dealer/Agent E....(with date)Early
M....(with date)Mid
w rk . . . wreck [ed]
w rk C ....w rk-Colision w rk D .... w rk-derail
w.... rk F....w rk-Fire/Explosion Leters following loco models:
m. . . . modified [or derated]other than upgraded
u....upgraded (hp, electrical or air system, etc.)
(W)....Cab-unit style wide nose on hood unit
[inspiration dedicated to]X2200S]
Type [/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. |
Builders’ Nos |
Works Notes |
Taiwan — Industrial diesel and electric locomotives
Asia Cement Corp (ACC) [ Cement ]
ACC Hsinchu Cement Plant Ta-tu, Hengshan (Hsinchu) — 1 067 mm gauge [Chiu-tsan-tou/Ciou-tzan-tou] 07 A3
5 1 dhS 255/ -C- CFL350DCL-3 Schöma 4948 12/87
ACC Hualien Cement Plant Sincheng (Hualien) — 1 067 mm gauge [Xincheng/Hsin-chen] 21 B1
? |
? dhS |
-B- |
? |
? |
? |
? dhCCS |
B-B |
? |
? |
ACC Unknown operation at unknown location — 1 067 mm gauge
Chia-Hsin Cement Corp (CHC) [ Cement ]
CHC Cement Factory Long-jing (Taichung) — 1 067 mm gauge [Lung-ching]
China Rebar Cement (CRC) [ Cement ]
CRC Yilan Cement Factory No1 Tong-shan (Yilan) — 1 067 mm gauge [Dongshan]
1 |
1/0 dhS |
250/220 -C- |
40.8 WDT |
Plymouth |
7042 |
7/75 |
1. |
? - ? |
? dhS |
? |
China Steel Corp (CSC) [ Integrated Steel Works ]
CSC Kaoushiong Steel Mill Siaogang (Kaoushiong) — 1,067 mm gauge [Siao-gang] 49 A2
? - ? ? dhCCS ? - ? ? - ?
Chinese Petroleum Co (CP) [ Petroleum Refining & Distribution ]
CP Kaohsiung Oil Refinery Nanzih (Kaohsiung) — 1 067 mm gauge [Nan-tso/Nan-jih]
n# 1/0 dhCCS 480/ B-B 54.4 CR-8 Plymouth 6968 5/74 1.
Formosa Chemical Fibre (FCF) [ Synthetic Fibres ]
FCF Unknown Location Chang-Hwa — 1,067 mm gauge
Hsin-Ta Cement Co (HTC) [ Cement ]
HTC Yilan Cement Factory New Su-ao (Yilan) — 1 067 mm gauge [Hsin-ma]
? |
1 |
dhS |
-B- |
? |
? |
/x_ |
? |
1 |
dhS |
-B- |
? |
? |
/x_ |
? |
1 |
dhS 480/ |
B-B |
54.4 CR-8 |
Plymouth |
? |
/x_ |
? |
1 |
dhLPU 155/ |
-B- |
13.6 DMD-24 |
Plymouth |
? |
6/66 |
1. |
Type [/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. |
Builders’ Nos |
Works Notes |
Joint Venture Construction - Metro (JVM) [ Tunnelling Project ]
JVM Metro Taipei - XX Contract at unknow location — 900 mm gauge
? , ? 2/? dhLPU 135/ -B- 25 CFL180DCL Schöma 5010,5011 /89 1.
NOTES: All the names of the joint venture partners are not known. There were several diffierent contract and stages for this project.
1.> Acquired from Schöma (D) _/94; rebuilt by Schöma 1994; originally new to GreatBritain--Transmanche Link (TML) #RS 016
Joint Venture Construction - PL (JVP) [ Tunnelling Project ]
JVP Pinglin Tunnels - Section XX, Freeway #5 at unknown Location (New Taipei) — 914 mm gauge
? , ? |
2/? |
dhLPU |
-B- |
Schöma |
5038,5042 |
/90 |
1. |
? |
1/? |
dhLPU |
-B- |
Schöma |
5049 |
/90 |
2. |
? |
1/0 |
dhLPU |
-B- |
Schöma |
5311 |
/93 |
3. |
? |
1/? |
dhLPU |
-B- |
Schöma |
5314 |
/93 |
4. |
? - ? |
2/? |
dhLPU |
-B- |
Schöma |
5351,5352 |
/93 |
5. |
NOTES: All the names of the joint venture partners are not known. There were several diffierent contract and stages for this project.
1.> Acquired from Schöma(D) _/96;rebuilt by Schöma 1996; originally new toDenmark--MT Group, Korsör, Storebaelt-Tunnel #45-06,-10. Disposition from Taiwan unknown.
2.> Acquired from Schöma(D) _/96;rebuilt by Schöma 1996; originally new toDenmark--MT Group, Korsör, Storebaelt-Tunnel #45-17. Disposition from Taiwanunknown.
3.> Acquired from Schöma (D)_/97; rebuilt by Schöma1997, regauged from 900 mm; originally new toDenmark--MT Group, Korsör, Storebaelt-Tunnel #45-35; Returned to Schöma for overhaul;? _/0_ Switz--ArGe Matrans, Raron
4.> Acquired from Schöma (D)_/97; rebuilt by Schöma1997, regauged from 900 mm; originally new toDenmark--MT Group, Korsör, Storebaelt-Tunnel #45-39; Returned to Schöma for overhaul;? _/06 Russia--Herrenknecht, Silberwald contract.
5.> Acquired from Schöma (D) _/96; rebuilt by Schöma 1996, regauged from 900 mm; originally new to Denmark--MT Group, Korsör, Storebaelt-Tunnel #45-41,-42; Returned to Schöma for overhaul;? 11/98 Singapore--W&F Econ-CEH J.V. C704; ?
Joint Venture Construction - RSEA (JVR) [ Tunnelling Project ]
JVR Unknown operation at unknown location — 914 mm gauge
? 1/? dhLPU 135/ -B- 25 CFL180DCL Schöma 5768 /02
NOTES: All the names of the joint venture partners are not known. There were several diffierent contract and stages for this project.
Joint Venture Construction - RetSer (JVS) [ Tunnelling Project ]
JVS Pinglin Tunnels - Section XX, Freeway #5 Antung (New Taipei) — 914 mm gauge
?- ? 3/? dhLPU 135/ -B- 25 CFL180DCL Schöma 5291-5293 /92
JVS Unknown operation at unknown location — 914 mm gauge
? , ? 2/? dhLPU 135/ -B- 25 CFL180DCL Schöma 5425,5426 /95
JVS Unknown operation Antung (New Taipei) — 914 mm gauge
? 1/? dhLPU 135/ -B- 25 CFL180DCL Schöma 5649 /00
NOTES: All the names of the joint venture partners are not known. There were several diffierent contract and stages for this project.
Type |
[/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General |
Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. Builders’ Nos |
Works Notes |
Kaho Kogyo (KA) [ Mining ]
KA Unknown mining operation Kaho — ( ?? ) mm gauge
? - ? |
3 eLPU |
-Bo- |
5 |
Hit:Kasa |
447-449 |
/32 |
? - ? |
3 eLPU |
-Bo- |
4 |
Hit:Kasa |
1160-1162 |
/40 |
Kaohsiung Ammonium Sulphate Corp (KASC) [ Explosives and Fertilisers ]
KASC Kaohsiung Chemical Plant Cian-jhen (Kaohsiung) — 1,067 mm gauge 45 B3 49 A1
Kink asek i Kogyo (KK) [ Mining ]
KK Unknown mining operation Kinkaseki — ( ?? ) mm gauge
Kyoekisha Kogyo (KY) [ Mining ]
KY Unknown mining operation Kyoekisha — ( ?? ) mm gauge
Type [/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. |
Builders’ Nos |
Works Notes |
Lucky Cement Corp (LCC) [ Cement ]
LCC Quarry and Rail Loading Terminal He-ren (Hualien) — 1 067 mm gauge [Ho-jen]
? 1 dhS -B- ? ? /?_
LCC Yilan Cement Plant Tung-ao (Yilan) — 1 067 mm gauge [ Est. 1981 ] [Dong-ao]
? 1 dhS -B- ? ? /?_
LCC Puhsin Cement Plant Yang-mei (Taoyuan) — 1 067 mm gauge [ Previously YIG, Acq 1992 ]
NOTES: This company was established in 1974. It has built a new Cement works on a green fields site in Hualien county, and also later purchased an existing Cement works in Taoyuan county from the Yungkang Industrial Corporation. Both sites have been expanded in recent times and a number of terminals set up in other stategic sites to service centralTaiwan.
Nan Hw a Cement Corp (NHC) [ Cement ]
Nihon Kogyo (NK) [ Mining ]
NK Unknown mining operation Kinkaseki — 762 mm gauge
Shen-Ao Power (SAP) [ Power Generation ]
SAP No 3 Thermal Generating Station Shen-ao (Keelung) — 1 067 mm gauge
? , ? |
2 dhS |
-B- |
THill |
314v,315v |
/85 |
13 |
1 dhCCS 480/ |
B-B |
54.4 CR-8 |
Plymouth |
6968 |
5/74 |
1. |
NOTES: Operated by an Australian Company using imported Australian coal.
Type [/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. |
Builders’ Nos |
Works Notes |
Taichung Harbour (TH) [ Port Operations ]
TH Harbour rail operations Taichung (Taichung) — 1 067 mm gauge
? |
1 dhRRS A-A |
2MT |
Whiting |
? |
Grain terminal is possibly the owner? |
Taiwan Cement Corp (TCC) [ Cement ]
TCC Hoping Cement Plant Sioulin (Hualien) — 1 067 mm gauge [ Est. 2001 ] [Her-ping/Heping] 15 B1
1 dhS -B- Hit:Kasa ? 1 1 dhS -B- ?
2 1 dhCCS B-B Brookville ? /9_
TCC Hsinchu Cement Plant Chutung (Hsinchu) — 1 067 mm gauge 07 A3
TCC Hualien Cement Plant Hualien (Hualien) — 1 067 mm gauge [ Est. 1962 ]
? , ? 2 dhS -B- Hit:Kasa ? , ? /9_
TCC Kaoushiong Cement Plant Shou-shan (Kaoushiong) — 1 067 mm gauge 45 A3
TCC Yilan Cement Plant Su-ao (Yilan) — 1 067 mm gauge [ Est. 1946 ] 12 B1
1 |
1 dhCCS |
B-B |
Brookville |
? |
/9_ |
2 |
1 dhS |
? |
? |
3 |
1 dhS |
-C- |
B-060-3 |
Cockerill |
? |
/7_ |
TDF 26th Arsenal Kaohsiung — 1 435 mm gauge
? - ? 3 pmS -B- 3.6 BFA Brookville 3808-3810 10/52 1.
Taiwan Electric Pow er (TEP) [ Power Generation ]
TEP Unknown operation at unknown location — ( ?? ) mm gauge
Taiwan Fertilizer Co (TFC) [ Explosives and Fertilisers ]
TFC Fertilizer Factory Chu-nan (Miaoli) — 1 067 mm gauge [Miao-li] 10 B1
? |
1 dhS |
125/ |
-B- |
22 DVL150/1.2 |
Diema |
3810 |
4/76 |
? |
1 dhS |
-B- |
Hit:Kasa |
? |
/7_ |
TFC Fertilizer Factory Hsinchu — 1 067 mm gauge 06 B2
TFC Unknown operation at unknown location — 1 067 mm gauge
? 1/0 dhS B-B 45 KA19-C ? ? /7_ 1.
Taiwan Power Corporation (TP) [ Power Generation ]
TP Thermal Generating Station Lin-kou (New Taipei) — 1,067 mm gauge 01 B1
? |
1 deCCS |
210/190 B-B |
45.3 50T=45T PhII |
GE |
32128 |
5/54 |
? |
1 deCCS |
225/195 B-B |
45.3 50T=45T PhIV |
GE |
30613 |
35922 |
11/67 |
TP Hydro Elec Construction Project Tachien — 1,067 mm gauge [Toucheng/Tou-cheng]
? - ? 7/6 dhLPU 155/ -B- 13.6 DMD-24 Plymouth 6510-6516 6/66 1.
TP Coal Terminal Central (CTC) Long-jing (Taichung) — 1,067 mm gauge 19 A1
1,2 |
2 dhS |
-B- |
? |
? , ? |
3 |
1 dhS+PT 485/ |
2(-B-) |
CFL350DCL-BB Schöma |
4825 (x2) |
1/86 1. |
NOTES: 1. One of these sold to Hsin Ta Cement Company.
Type [/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. |
Builders’ Nos |
Works Notes |
Taiw an Salt Co (TS) [ Salt, Chemicals ]
TS Putai Salt Factory Budai (Chiayi) — 762 mm gauge [ Closed ]
? |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? |
/5_ |
1. |
2 |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? |
/5_ |
2. |
? |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? |
/5_ |
1. |
? |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? |
/5_ |
1. |
? |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? |
/5_ |
3. |
7 |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? |
/5_ |
4. |
? |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
CSL30 |
Schöma |
3114 |
12/68 |
5. |
9,10 |
2/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? , ? |
/5_ |
4. |
11 |
1/0 |
dhS |
55/ |
-B- |
8.8 CFL60D |
Schöma |
3159 |
6/69 |
6. |
? |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
CSL30 |
Schöma |
3115 |
12/68 |
4. |
808 |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kato |
? |
/5_ |
7. |
? |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
CSL60 |
Schöma |
3710 |
2/74 |
1. |
815 |
1/0 |
dmS |
-B- |
8 |
Kyosan |
? |
/8_ |
8. |
TS Chi-ku Salt Pans Qi-ku (Tainan) — 762 mm gauge [ Closed. Now a museum ] |
TS Unknown operation at unknown location — 762 mm gauge |
? , ? |
2 dmS -B- CSL30 Schöma |
3114,3115 |
12/68 |
9. |
? |
1 dmS -B- CSL60 Schöma |
3710 |
2/74 |
10. |
NOTES: All rail operations around the salt pans and evaporation beds of TSC have been abandoned in favour new production methods. After rail closure, most of the equipment was stored inside at the maintenance base at Putia Salt Factory. Much of these items have now been placed on display out in the open and exposed to the salt-laden air at the new Salt museum. They will deteriorate quickly in these conditions...
1. Retired. Yellow livery. Sold-for scrap to __??__ scrapper Longtien (Tainan).
2. Retired. Green livery. Preserved static Taiwan SaltMuseum,Chi-ku (Tainan).
3. Retired. Green livery. Sold-for scrap to __??__ scrapper Longtien (Tainan).
4. Retired. Green livery. Preserved static Putia Salt Factory depot. Moved to Taiwan Salt Museum, Chi-ku (Tainan).
5. Retired. Black livery. Preserved static Taiwan Salt Museum, Chi-ku (Tainan).
6. Acq via Krupp Stahl Export (D). Retired. Green livery. Preserved static Putia Salt Factory depot. Moved to Taiwan Salt Museum, Chi-ku (Tainan).
7. Retired. Black livery. Preserved static Taiwan Salt Museum, Chi-ku (Tainan).
8. Retired. Yellow livery. Preserved static Putia Salt Factory depot. Moved to Taiwan Salt Museum, Chi-ku (Tainan).
9. Retired. Orange livery. Preserved static Putia Salt Factory depot. Moved to Taiwan Salt Museum, Chi-ku (Tainan).
10. Acquired via Krupp-Stahlexport (D) and Taiwan Chemicals
Type [/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. |
Builders’ Nos |
Works Notes |
Taiw an Sugar Corporation (TSC) [ Sugar milling ]
TSC Sugar Factory at unknown location — 762 mm gauge
40 |
1 |
amS |
16.3 |
Plymouth |
5315 |
1/48 |
41-44 |
4 |
amS |
16.3 |
Plymouth |
5316-5319 |
2/48 |
45-48 |
4 |
amS |
16.3 |
Plymouth |
5329-5332 |
2/48 |
49-54 |
6 |
amS |
16.3 |
Plymouth |
5333-5338 |
3/48 |
55-66 |
12 |
amS |
-C- |
FWD ? |
? - ? |
/4_ |
101-166 |
66 |
dhS |
185/ |
-C- |
24 |
DFL200/1.0d |
Diema |
4000-4065 |
/76 |
167-191 |
25 |
dhS |
185/ |
-C- |
24 |
DFL200/1.0d |
Diema |
4257-4281 |
/79 |
801-840 |
40 |
dhS |
165/ |
-C- |
16 |
HG-16C |
Hit:Kasa |
12874-12913 |
/67 |
841-845 |
5 |
dhS |
165/ |
-C- |
16 |
HG-16C |
Hit:Kasa |
12928-12932 |
/68 |
846-848 |
3 |
dhS |
165/ |
-C- |
16 |
HG-16C |
Hit:Kasa |
13052-13054 |
/69 |
849-853 |
5 |
dhS |
165/ |
-C- |
16 |
HG-16C |
Hit:Kasa |
13091-13095 |
/69 |
901 |
1 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4115 |
10/55 |
1. |
902-907 |
6 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4116-4121 |
11/55 |
908-915 |
8 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4122-4129 |
12/55 |
916-924 |
9 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4130-4138 |
3/56 |
925-931 |
7 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4139-4145 |
4/56 |
932-937 |
6 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4146-4151 |
5/56 |
938-943 |
6 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4152-4157 |
6/56 |
944-947 |
4 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4158-4161 |
7/56 |
948-950 |
3 |
ahS |
-C- |
14.5 |
Brookville |
4162-4164 |
8/56 |
951-954 |
4 |
ahS |
170/150 |
-C- |
16 |
Skagit |
? - ? |
/5_ |
954 |
1/0 |
dmS |
140/ |
-B- |
16 |
CFL150D |
Schöma |
2247 |
2/60 |
TSC Sugar Factory at unknown location — 1 067 mm gauge |
5801 |
1 |
dhS |
120/ |
-B- |
20 |
Kawasaki |
15 |
/56 |
5802 |
1 |
dhS |
120/ |
-B- |
20 |
Kawasaki |
25 |
/56 |
11-17 |
7 |
dhS |
385/345 |
-C- |
28.5 HR-30C |
Hit:Kasa |
? - ? |
/69 |
18 |
1 |
dhS |
-C- |
? |
/6_ |
Type [/Nett] Axle |
Mass Model – |
-ex- |
Road Nos |
Qty. General Power kW Layout |
(t) Builders’ |
Builder |
Order No. |
Builders’ Nos |
Works |
Notes |
UO Unknown operation at unknown location — 1 067 mm gauge
? |
1 |
dhS |
125/ |
-B- |
22 |
DVL150/1.2 |
Diema |
3514 |
12/74 |
1. |
? |
1 |
dhS |
150/ |
-B- |
25 |
HG-25B |
Hit:Kasa |
12846 |
/65 |
? |
1 |
dhS |
115/ |
-B- |
15 |
NipShar |
2426 |
/65 |
? |
1 |
dmS |
-B- |
? |
? |
/7_ |
2. |
UO Unknown operation at unknown location — 762 mm gauge |
? |
1 pmS |
-B- |
3.6 BFA |
Brookville |
3622 |
11/52 |
3. |
? |
1 dmS |
-B- |
CSL40 |
Schöma |
3381 |
2/72 |
UO Unknown operation at unknown location — 600 mm gauge |
? |
1 dmS 21/ |
-B- 4.3 DS28 |
Diema |
2218 |
2/59 |
4. |
UO Unknown operation |
at unknown location — |
500 mm gauge |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPU |
20/ |
-B- |
5 G 22 Z |
Ruhr |
3355,3356 |
11/55 |
5. |
? |
1 |
dmS |
21/ |
-B- |
4.3 DS28 |
Diema |
2018 |
2/57 |
4. |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPU |
12/ |
-B- |
4 G 15 Z |
Ruhr |
3660,3661 |
12/60 |
6. |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPU |
22/ |
-B- |
5 G 30 Z |
Ruhr |
3689,3690 |
6/61 |
6. |
? |
1 |
dmS |
21/ |
-B- |
4.3 DS28 |
Diema |
2471 |
10/61 |
4. |
UO Unknown operation at unknown location — 495 mm gauge |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPUF |
-B- |
DGL30 |
Diema |
2272,2273 |
10/59 |
4. |
? - ? |
3 |
dmLPUF |
-B- |
DGL30 |
Diema |
2374-2376 |
10/60 |
4. |
? |
1 |
dmS |
-B- |
CSL40 |
Schöma |
2435 |
5/61 |
UO Unknown operation at unknown location — ( ?? ) mm gauge |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPU |
20/ |
-B- |
CDL28 |
Schöma |
3005,3006 |
/67 |
7. |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPU |
20/ |
-B- |
CDL28 |
Schöma |
3049,3050 |
/6_ |
7. |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPU |
20/ |
-B- |
CDL28 |
Schöma |
3107,3108 |
/68 |
8. |
? , ? |
2 |
dmLPU |
20/ |
-B- |
CDL28 |
Schöma |
3347,3348 |
6/71 |
9. |
? |
1 |
dmLPU |
20/ |
-B- |
CDL28 |
Schöma |
3900 |
1/75 |
8. |
1. Acquired via Ekmann & Co Ltd(D),Taipei. Now preserved static recycling company, Yi-lan.
2. Feed factory at ??. Possibly NipShar?
3. Acq via Universal Trading (D)
4. 762
5. Acq via Taiwan Motor Co (D), Taipei
6. Acquired via Central Trust of China, Taipei
7. Shown as 508 gauge in works list. Acquired via Central Trust of China, Taipei and via Chemicore Corp.,New York and imported via Keelung.
8. 495
9. Acq via Krupp-Dolberg, Bremen (D)
10. Acq via Krupp Stahl Export (D) by Taiwan--Central of China via Krupp Stahl Export (D) for??
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