糖業鐵道車輛 4
Thanks to Mr. KeTel for icons above.
955號多種燃料測試車檔案照片,本車已於新營糖廠拆解。 年份:1960年;機車重量:16公噸;製造廠:德國 SCHÖMA 引擎:Büssing S15 柴油引擎,淨值馬力:190hp,最高時速:19 km/hr 感謝萬版主提供此檔案照片! | |
The original appearance of Brookville locomotive. | |
The #86 GL made by TSC has been displayed at Yue-Mei Sugar Factory. | |
The #86 GL at Taichung Sugar Factory in the early age. | |
感謝寶哥提供本照片! The FWD DL#65 has been recovered by Hu-Wei Sugar Factory. 1106 | |
FWD DL#66 was abandoned at outside of Suan-Tou Sugar Factory. 0502 | |
FWD DL#66 was abandoned at Suan-Tou, Cha-Yi County. 0521 | |
FWD DL#58 with its original appearance. | |
DL#42 and cars have been displayed by KFC restaurant for commercial advertising. Taichung. 0402 | |
0714 | |
DL#43 and cars have been displayed by KFC restaurant for commercial advertising. Taichung. 0402 | |
0714 | |
DL#47 and cars have been displayed at Hsi-Chou Park, the former Hsi-Chou sugar factory. 0403 | |
Brookville DL 926 has been displayed at the Taipei Kid's Park Museum. 1101 | |
上圖車輛因該館已結束經營撥交臺北市客委會,該車已於2009年10間拍賣至台東縣關山鎮某處私人收藏。 The loco above has sold out to Taitung County for a private collection in 2009. 1109 | |
Brookville DL 913 was preserved at Treasure Island Shopping Centre, Kaoshiong. | |
DL #901 was sold to a scrap centre after abandoned, Hsin-Chuang, Taipei. 1099 | |
DL #901 was moved to a scrap centre at Hsin-Chuang City, New Taipei City. 0605 | |
DL #901 has moved to a recycle centre at Wu-Gu Township, New Taipei City. 0809 | |
DL #901 has moved to a night market at Ta-Liao District, Kaoshiong City. 0212 | |
#910 DL has been displayed at Suan-Tou Station. 1002 | |
#911 DL has been displayed at front of Tou-Nan Station. Many thanks to Mr. GP7500! 1208 | |
The last 2nd year of sugar producing, Hsin-Ying Sugar Factory. | |
Hitachi DL #817 and a sugarcane train have been displayed at Yue-Mei Sugar Factory without rail. This loco was belong to Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. | |
Hitachi DL #808 has been displayed at Yue-Mei Sugar Factory without rail. This loco was belong to An-Nei Sugar Factory.
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即將駛入溪湖糖廠的日立機車牽引之原料重車。 A Hitachi DL was hauling a train of sugarcane. Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. 0202 | |
通過濁水橋的空車。 An empty train was passing a bridge. 0202 | |
同上,溪湖糖廠守車具有特別的出軌指示牌。 Every conductor car has a derail indicator over the roof, Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. 0202 | |
交會中的空車和重車。 An empty train was waiting for a line to go. 0202 | |
駛過轉裝臺的空車。 An empty train was passing a sugarcane transfer facility by the field. 0202 | |
舊溪湖車站的廊下。 The former Hsi-Hu Station. 0202 | |
同上。 As above. 0202 | |
大排沙農場內的王功線。 以下六張照片為蔡宗儒先生提供之溪湖糖廠尚在營運時之照片,感謝! | |
王功線一景。 | |
舊趙甲農場內的趙甲線一號裝車場。 | |
溝子墘線裝車場,位在彰化大城尤厝農場。 | |
下壩線四號裝車場,位在溪洲農場。後成為花博會場。 | |
萬合線起點,王功線五號裝車場。大排沙旗站附近。 以上照片均已成絕景,可惜! | |
由佳里糖廠引進作為遊園車的巡道車及一節原料車。臺北市兒童交通博物館。 同上原因,該車已由鐵道同好鄧志忠先生收購保存。 A motor car from Chia-Li Sugar Factory and a sugarcane car were a tourist train at the Taipei Kid's Park Museum. It has sold out for a private collection in 2009. 1101 | |
由佳里糖廠引進作為遊園車的另一巡道車及另一節原料車。臺北市兒童交通博物館。該車已亦已於2009年9月間被拍賣。此景已成絕景! The other motor car from Chia-Li Sugar Factory and the other sugarcane car were also a tourist train as above, the Taipei Kid's Park Museum. It has sold out for a private collection in 2009. 1101 | |
正式運轉時是以二節串聯作推拉式進行。已成絕景! These 2 units were combined together for a push-pull operating. 1201 | |
We also have sugarcane field in Taipei City. 1101 | |
同上。已成絕景! As above. | |
同上。已成絕景! As above. | |
2001年12月29日的通車典禮會場。 已成絕景! The Starting Ceremony of Sugarcane Train at Taipei Kid's Park Museum, 29th, Dec., 2001. | |
開幕當日行駛於園內路線的技嘉號糖鐵五分車。 已成絕景! The sugarcane train was running over the line. 1201 | |
技嘉號糖鐵五分車其中之一輛已成為私人收藏。運抵中部某家修車廠待整修。 感謝鄧志忠先生提供本照片! One of these motor cars has been delivered to a repairing store for repairing. 1109 | |
技嘉號糖鐵五分車目前放置於中部某家修車廠待整修。 感謝鄧志忠先生提供本照片! It has sold out for a private collection in 2009. 1109 | |
溪湖糖廠內停用的內燃客車。 Abandoned railcar of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. 0202 | |
溪湖糖廠內停用的道班車。 Abandoned railroad checking car of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. 0202 | |
原溪湖、溪洲糖廠所屬的135號巡道車廢車後流落至廢鐵廠待拆解。圖為與815號溪洲牌柴油機車一同陳列於埤頭國小時之情景。 Abandoned No.135 railroad checking car of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory was almost be scrapped. 0417 | |
The owner of railway restaurant Fu-Jing bought the No.135 railroad checking car and repair it for displaying. 0517 | |
The owner of this restaurant uses a railcar and cane cars as tables. Feng-Yuan District, Taichung City. 0601 | |
上圖之業者曾遷至臺中市大里區德芳南路繼續營業。感謝鄧志忠先生的照片! The owner of this restaurant has moved to Ta-li District, Taichung City. 0703 | |
These two railcars have been storing in a warehouse of Guinness World Record Museum, Ching-Shui District, Taichung.
1017 | |
巡迴於各糖廠之間的254號巡道汽油車,1962年由臺糖虎尾總廠修護所製造。展示於苗栗鐵道公園→蒜頭糖廠2021.12。 Motor-car of TSC, built in 1962 by Hu-Wei Sugar Factory, it has been displayed at Miao-Li Railway Park→Suan-Tou Sugar Factory, Dec., 2021. 0699 | |
展示於月眉糖廠的成功號汽油車,現已轉至烏樹林糖廠。 Petrol-car (Cheng-Kung) has been displayed at Yue-Mei Sugar Factory. It has been moved to Wu-Shu-Lin Station.
0705 |
An abandoned (no more track) lorry-to-train sugarcane loading facility (hopper), Pu-Tze, Chia-Yi. | |
A hopper for sugarcane, Tainan. | |
A dual line beside the hopper. 0101 | |
A view from the hopper. 0101 | |
Abandoned freight cars of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. |
An abandoned tank car of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. 0502 | |
Abandoned freight wagons of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. | |
Abandoned sugarcane cars of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. | |
Wagons have been displayed at Yue-Mei Sugar Factory without rail. They were also belong to Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory. | |
The monument (est. in 1947) of warehouse in Nan-Cho Sugar Factory, it appears the old name (Tung-Kang) of this sugar factory. 感謝網友蔡進坤(SUIKA)先生提供本照片! | |
The preserved Sugar Railway Chi-Shan Station. 感謝網友蔡進坤(SUIKA)先生提供本照片! | |
Steam locomotive #366 was hauling a passenger train many years ago. Pei-Kang Sugar Factory. 感謝龍先生和蘇平助先生提供以下照片! | |
As above, the driver, and the side view of the locomotive. | |
Two rickshaws was stopping outside the Pei-Kang Station. | |
上圖中車站建物已成斷垣殘壁。 Pei-Kang Station above has remained as this picture. 0203 | |
上圖中車站建物已經消失不見。 感謝陳建銘先生提供本照片! Pei-Kang Station above has disappeared. 0817 | |
當年牛斗山車站內的景象。 The old time of Nio-Tou-Shan Station. | |
最後一班客運車即將自嘉義車站發車。 The last passenger train was ready to depart at Chia-Yi Station. 感謝龍先生和蘇平助先生提供以上照片! |
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