臺鐵車輛--蒸汽機車篇 2
TRA: Taiwan Railways Administration
CK101 was hauling two wooden wagons, Miao-Li Railway Park. 0699 | |
CK101+煤貨車+CK124於基隆車站動態展出,2001年6月16日。 CK101+CK124 with a coal freight at Keelung Station, the 16th of June, 2001. 0601 | |
CK124+煤貨車+CK101於基隆車站動態展出,2001年6月16日。 CK124+CK101 with a coal freight at Keelung Station, the 16th of June, 2001. 0601 | |
The CK124 was hauling a event train and arriving Jing-Tung Station in The Ping-Hsi Line 80th anniversary event. 0701 | |
保存於日本埼玉縣越谷市大間野3丁目Steakhouse Pekopeko的LDK56。
LDK56 has been displayed in Japan. Thanks to Mr. KeTel for this picture. | |
LDK56 at present time. 感謝蘇昭旭先生提供本照片! 0510 | |
保存於日本埼玉縣蓮田市關戶420,Steakhouse Pekopeko時的LDK57。
LDK57 displayed in Saitama-Ken, Japan. This steak house has been closed. Thanks to Mr. KeTel for this picture. | |
上述餐廳已倒閉,該車現已移至櫪木縣那須郡那須町高久乙24-2,那須高原SL Land蒸
汽機關車餐廳。 感謝蘇昭旭先生提供本照片! LDK57 displayed at SL Land Restaurant, Nasu-Kun, Tochigi-Ken, Japan. 0910 | |
The CT17? was warming up at Taipei Station many years ago. 0376 | |
DT676 was warming up outside the Taipei roundhouse. 0280 | |
同上。 As above. 0280 | |
同上。 As above. 0280 | |
As above. 0280 | |
DT687 was hauling a freight train, Hua-Shan. 0280 | |
Steam locomotive type LDK was driving at East Line in a very early age. | |
CK124 was coupled with a new-built tender. 0702 | |
Locomotives of 3 generations in Taiwan. 0702 | |
保存於彰化扇形車庫的三輛蒸汽機車。左起:CK124,CK101以及DT668。 Preserved steam locomotives in Chang-Hua Roundhouse. From left to right, they are CK124,CK101 and DT668. 0702 | |
2002年8月23日以CK124拖行的半線號特別列車,彰化車站。 A special event train journey hold by Chang-Hua County Government, hauled by CK124. 0802 | |
A special event train journey hold by Chang-Hua County Government, hauled by CK124. 0802 | |
A special event train hauled by CK124. 感謝布兄提供本照片! 0403 | |
2003年8月3日以CK124牽引的特別列車,集集附近。 A special event train hauled by CK124. 0803 | |
CK124 was going back to Shu-Lin Depot after The Shan-Jia Station 100 Anniversary Event. 1103 | |
Long-Tian Station 100th Anniversary Celebration. Event train hauled by CK124 and was crossing the Tzeng-Wen Stream. 0904 | |
0606 | |
SL煤鄉浪漫列車於平溪線返程。 0606 | |
1206 | |
1206 | |
1206 | |
0207 | |
Event train for 120th Anniversary of TRA, was passing the Ching-Shue. 0607 | |
Event train for 120th Anniversary of TRA, was departing from Hua-Lien with the 1052 Express. 0607 | |
Event train for 120th Anniversary of TRA, was arriving Chia-Yi with Alishan Shay 26. 0607 | |
Event train for Taiwan Running Water Festival 2007 at south of Er-Shue Station. 1107 | |
Event train for Taiwan Running Water Festival 2007 met an empty military freight train when it was going back to Chang-Hua Station. 1107 | |
Event train for Kaoshiong Port Station 108 Anniversary was departing from Kaoshiong Port Station to New Tzuo-Ying Station. 1207 | |
Experiment train for Old Mountain Line Recovery. 0510 | |
0312 | |
Restored DT668 at Chang-Hua Depot was showing on over the turn table at 125 Anniversary of TRA, 9th of June, 2012. | |
DT668 hauled event train at Chi-Chi Branch on 15, July, 2012. | |
CT277,臺北站內。攝於1977年7月12日。 CT277 at Taipei Station, 12, July, 1977. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. | |
CT256行經臺北市中華路一段。攝於1977年8月。 CT256 at Sec. 1, Chung-Hua Road, Taipei, Aug., 1977. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. | |
補給中的CT157,屏東車站。攝於1978年8月30日。 CT157 at Pingtung Station, 30, Aug., 1978. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. | |
DT590牽引貨列,嘉義附近。攝於1978年9月。 DT590 at Chiayi, Sept., 1978. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. | |
CK127牽引貨列,二水附近。攝於1978年8月。 CK127 at Ershui area, Aug., 1978. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. | |
DT673牽引貨列,嘉義附近。攝於1978年8月。 DT673 at Chiayi, Aug., 1978. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. | |
CT283牽引普通車屏東站出發。攝於1978年8月8日。 CT283 at Pingtun Station, 8, Aug., 1978. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. | |
CT184牽引普通車於高雄北。攝於1978年8月8月31日。 CT184 at Kaohsiung area, 31, Aug., 1978. This photo is from Rob Dickinson's Tiger Steam CD with permission and copyright. Photographer: John Tillman. |
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